This blog was originally created as an assignment in a computers for artists class, but I have decided to pick it back up! The initial use as a process journal is a fun way to keep track of a piece, so that is what I will continue to do. Along with posting art related images, I may trow in an interesting museum story or two.
To kick things off here is a scan of a sketch for my latest painting.
For those unfamiliar with my work, I paint dreamscapes of my dreams. These night-time adventures are full of plots, characters, and settings and since I am a lucid dreamer I can recall them with vivid detail. In this particular dream the trees were able to communicate through touch. A caravan of strangers had gathered to sneak through the forest in order to escape those chasing them. The night was quiet and as I leaned on a tree to rest, it started to glow and warn me that someone was coming. Then chaos erupted as bulldozers trampled the forest flat in its search for the fleeing group. Soon after that I was knocked out in the dream and woke up in a hospital, which I have already painted the scene from here...
Pretty scary! But that is long dream story for another time. So along with art and museums, it looks like this may turn into a dream journal as well, haha.